Department of Automation

Γενικές Πληροφορίες

General Info for the Department of Automation
Established 1989
Main fields of studies Automation, Control Systems and Systems Engineering.
Title granted Automation Engineer
Level of the title granted Higher Education undergraduate program (Bachelor level)
Name of the Institute Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki
Status of the Institute Institute of Higher Education, Public Education Institute
Entrance requirements Unified Upper Secondary School graduation certificate
Entrance number 150-200 students / year

Profile of the Graduate

Given their wide expertise in electronics, computer engineering, systems engineering and mechatronics, the graduates of the dept. of Automation are capable to:

Employment of the Graduates

The main advantage of our graduates is the broad education which makes them very competent to work in industry, in education (teachers in secondary schools), in research and to continue their studies at all levels of education. The unemployment is very small, almost negligible.

European Educational Cooperation:

The department of Automation has educational and research cooperation with foreign Institutes abroad and participates in research programs. The students and professors mobility is organized via our Institutional Socrates/Erasmus office. The mobility for industrial training is organized via the Leonardo Da Vinci program.